CSR Initiative 2016 – Angir

On 7th October 2016, we undertook our first Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative. The team donated scholastic, sports, and sanitary items to the Angir Primary School in Nebbi district, Uganda. The team donated 456 dozens of branded books, 100 dozens of branded pens, 50 dozens of branded pencils, 200 pieces of mathematical sets, 20 dictionaries, 30 PLE (Primary Leaving Examination) revision papers for the school library, 150 packets of reusable sanitary towels, 22 full sets of branded football kits, 15 full sets of branded netball kits, 22 pairs of soccer boots, 15 pairs of netball sneakers, 2 branded trophies, 4 branded footballs, 4 netballs, branded t-shirts and caps for the headmistress, her staff and guests.